Welcome to The Museum of Liquidating Values

At the Museum of Liquidating Values, we specialize in nothing. Our mission is simple: to deconstruct the concept of value itself through pseudo-events, anti-art, and money-terrorism. Nothing here has any intrinsic worth, yet everything has an absurd price.

Featured Auctions: Buy Nothing, Pay Anything

Item: $100,000,000 of Nothing

Purchase a Hypermade Nothing—a conceptual art piece with no material existence, but with a value beyond comprehension. Starting bid: $100,000,000.

Bid Now (fake, obviously)

Item: $1 Billion of Nothing

For those who seek true emptiness—a high-value purchase that will fill the void with its non-existence. Starting bid: $1,000,000,000.

Bid Now (again, pretend you're buying something real)

The Art of Nothing: Historical Context

Inspired by the legacy of Dadaism, Neoism, and the Post-Neoist PLAGIARIST movement, we present the tradition of selling nothing as art. From $10,000 Nothing Certificates to the infamous Going Out of No Business Sale, this is the future of art: value-less, timeless, and conceptually infinite.

Upcoming Auctions: The Hypermade Bored Game: Deconstructions Jenga

Starting bid: $400,000,000. This piece of hypermade art has redefined the idea of a board game—it is a cultural artifact made to collapse the system of art itself.

Join the Auction (or don't, it doesn't matter)